Dear friends of God,
Nice meeting you all through this reflection on Tuesday, November 10, 2020, which for us, the Indonesians is National Heroes Day. It is a good momentum for us to reflect on the spirit of heroism from the heroes in order to perform and improve a better service. From the perspective of faith, we can use this moment as an opportunity to ‘fire’ our enthusiasm for serving God and others as missionaries of God. Because since being baptized, we, all of us, have begun to carry out God's missionary duties in us.
Therefore, we are invited through this bible based reflection to increase our spirit as missionaries of God. The spirit of heroism referred to here is according to the teaching of Jesus through the Gospel today, namely to cultivate the spirit of life as a servant who is humble and always ready to serve. With the spirituality of a servant, we want to always be willing to serve God and others according to the status, role and duties entrusted to us.
In connection with this hope, the quotes from the first reading today (from Santu Paul's letter to Titus 2: 1-8) are presented here as a material for reflection for us, as well as an appeal for all of us according to our respective status, role and duty. Let the letter St. Paul becomes a biblical invitation to each of us:
- Dear brother (Titus), preach what is in accordance with sound teaching (Tit. 2: 1)
- An old man should live a simple life, respectable, wise, healthy in faith, in love and in perseverance (Titus 2: 2).
- Likewise the old women, let them live as worshipers, do not slander, do not become servants of wine, but are capable of teaching good things and thus educating young women to love their husbands and children, to live wisely and holy, diligent in managing her household, kind and obedient to her husband, so that the Word of God is not blasphemed by people (Tit2: 3-5).
- Likewise young people; Advise them to be self-controlled in all things and to set yourself an example in doing good (Titus 2: 6-7)
And although Titus 2: 9-10 is not included in today’s first reading, both verses are included in this reflection because the words of Saint Paul are in line with Jesus' advice today so that we can live the spirit of a servant in our missionary works:
'Servants must be obedient to their master in all things and be pleasing to them, do not argue, do not cheat, but always be sincere and faithful, so that in all respects they will glorify the teaching of Allah, our Savior'.
Let us take a few minutes from 1440 minutes today to reflect on the message of the Word of God, especially the quotations of the Scriptures that point to us according to our status and duties. What's the message for me? God bless.
By John Masneno, SVD (Jacob’s Well Spiritual Center)